Experiential Training

Students from the medicinal and biological chemistry degree program participate in a laboratory task.


Community Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE I & II)

The Community Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) is intended to increase students’ knowledge and understanding of the workflow system in the community setting. The IPPE series is designed to be a practical experience that focuses on the development of students’ professional attitudes, 值, 和技能.  The student will be able to describe the role of the pharmacist and pharmacy support staff in the care of patients in the community setting and the relationship of the pharmacy to other settings. The coursework consists of coordinated, student-regulated, experiential activities based in a community pharmacy setting.  Emphasis is placed on reflective, self-directed learning to enable students to demonstrate knowledge of pharmacy workflow and effectively deliver patient-centered care within the realm of community pharmacy by training under the guidance of a pharmacist preceptor in a local community pharmacy.

The IPPE community experience is done in the summer after the successful completion of the P1 curriculum for a total of 160 hours to be done in 4 weeks.

Institutional Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE III & IV)

The Hospital Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) is intended to increase the student’s knowledge and understanding of drug distribution, the preparation of medications, the control of narcotics, and the flow of medication delivery in the hospital setting. The IPPE series at this juncture is designed to be a continuum of practical experience that focuses on the development of students’ professional attitudes, 值, 和技能 initially cultivated in the previous IPPE experience. The student will observe or participate in the preparation of intravenous admixtures and perform the necessary calculations involved.  The student will be able to describe the role of the pharmacist in the care of patients in the hospital setting and the relationship of the pharmacy to other departments.

The IPPE hospital experience is done in the summer after the successful completion of both P1 & P2 curriculum for a total of 160 hours to be done in 4 weeks.

Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE)

During the fourth professional year in the pharmacy program, students participate in Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). These experiences consist of rotations each comprised of 6 weeks, in which students will spend at least 40 hours per week at a facility. 

There are four required experiences: ambulatory care, advanced community, advanced hospital practice and general medicine. 除了, you will select three electives geared to your interest preferences (see the list of APPE electives currently offered below).

We place students throughout the state based on rotation availability and student preferences. If students prefer to complete an APPE rotation elsewhere within the United States, this may be approved based on a facility’s ability to provide a unique or celebrated experience in addition to availability for perception.

Current Elective Rotations

  • 学术界
  • Aetna Medicaid – Managed Medicaid DUR
  • 抗凝
  • Association Management
  • Bone Marrow 移植
  • 心脏病学
  • Clinical Research
  • Community Administration/Management
  • 复合
  • 急救护理
  • Diabetes Management
  • 药物信息
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Geriatrics/Long-Term Care
  • 艾滋病毒
  • Hospital Administration/Management
  • 贫困的护理
  • 行业
  • Infectious Disease/Antibiotic Stewardship
  • Investigational Drug Services
  • 邮购
  • 管理式医疗/ PBM
  • 医学写作
  • 药物安全
  • Medication Therapy Management
  • 任务
  • 神经科学
  • NICU /母亲的婴儿
  • 营养
  • 肿瘤学
  • Ownership Community
  • Pain Management/Palliative Care
  • 儿科
  • Pediatric Intensive Care
  • Pediatric Nephrology
  • Pediatric 肿瘤学
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • 药物基因组学
  • Pharmacy 信息rmatics
  • 药房法律
  • 精神病学
  • Specialty Pharmacy
  • 体育药房
  • 手术
  • 毒理学
  • Transitions of Care
  • 移植
  • 妇女的健康